Stepping Inside Mandkhai’s World: The Opening o...
In the heart of London, nestled amidst the city’s iconic streets, lies a special space—a place where craftsmanship, creativity, and contemporary luxury converge. This year, we opened the doors to...
Stepping Inside Mandkhai’s World: The Opening o...
In the heart of London, nestled amidst the city’s iconic streets, lies a special space—a place where craftsmanship, creativity, and contemporary luxury converge. This year, we opened the doors to...
What Does It Mean to Be Sustainable in Cashmere...
Cashmere is synonymous with softness and elegance, but the industry faces growing scrutiny particularly for its environmental impact. For Mandkhai, sustainability is more than a trend—it’s an ethos deeply rooted...
What Does It Mean to Be Sustainable in Cashmere...
Cashmere is synonymous with softness and elegance, but the industry faces growing scrutiny particularly for its environmental impact. For Mandkhai, sustainability is more than a trend—it’s an ethos deeply rooted...
Mandkhai’s Winter colour palette: the inspirati...
When it comes to Mandkhai’s winter collection, colour is more than just a visual element—it’s a reflection of instinct, emotion, and the natural world. This season, the palette is rich, warm,...
Mandkhai’s Winter colour palette: the inspirati...
When it comes to Mandkhai’s winter collection, colour is more than just a visual element—it’s a reflection of instinct, emotion, and the natural world. This season, the palette is rich, warm,...
The Story Behind the Logo: Freedom, Strength, a...
When designing the Mandkhai logo, I envisioned something that went beyond a simple emblem. It needed to capture the spirit of our brand—rooted in Mongolia’s cultural heritage and vast, majestic...
The Story Behind the Logo: Freedom, Strength, a...
When designing the Mandkhai logo, I envisioned something that went beyond a simple emblem. It needed to capture the spirit of our brand—rooted in Mongolia’s cultural heritage and vast, majestic...
From Mongolian Steppes to Global Luxury: Mandkh...
When I launched Mandkhai, I knew I wanted to do things differently and my thought was: What hasn’t been done in cashmere ? The brand shines a spotlight on the...
From Mongolian Steppes to Global Luxury: Mandkh...
When I launched Mandkhai, I knew I wanted to do things differently and my thought was: What hasn’t been done in cashmere ? The brand shines a spotlight on the...